Revision Rhinoplasty in Orange County

Rhinoplasty is a technical and complex procedure. In the hands of a surgeon who is lacking experience or expertise, some rhinoplasties don’t turn out as expected. While a number of factors can lead to a less than ideal outcome, having revision rhinoplasty in Orange County to resolve the concerns with a board-certified, highly-experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery is imperative. Revision rhinoplasty can ensure cosmetic and functional concerns are addressed and the results you wanted are ultimately achieved.

What is revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is a surgery performed on the nose to correct cosmetic and or functional concerns that arose from the original rhinoplasty. Concerns after the original rhinoplasty vary, from the surgical procedure going too far and resulting in a negative outcome, or not going far enough to make the necessary changes. Functional concerns include any changes that caused difficulty breathing after the rhinoplasty procedure.

Revision Rhinoplasty Newport Beach

What are the benefits of revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty allows patients to finally realize their aesthetic goals for their nose after the disappointment of the original rhinoplasty allows patients who have been disappointed by their original rhinoplasty to finally realize their goals for the appearance of their nose. Benefits of revision rhinoplasty include:

  • Restored nasal function
  • Balanced facial features
  • Achievement of ideal nose proportions
  • A natural nasal appearance
  • Corrected concerns with the nasal tip
  • Corrected aesthetic errors from the original rhinoplasty
  • A completed surgical journey
  • Improved self-confidence

What happens during the procedure?

Revision rhinoplasty procedure techniques vary depending on what is required to resolve each individual’s concerns. Based on your unique concerns, your surgeon will determine whether your rhinoplasty will require moderate or more extensive work. After a consultation and examination of your nose, face, and medical history, a surgical plan will be created to achieve your aesthetic goals.

The surgery itself will be performed under general anesthesia. Revision rhinoplasty takes anywhere from one to several hours, depending on how complex the procedure is and what is required to achieve the ideal results. If further sculpting is necessary due to too subtle of an approach taken earlier, this will be a part of the procedure. If the nose needs to be rebuilt due to over-sculpting in the original surgery, this will be done using cartilage taken from the nose, ear, or even a portion of the rib.

It may be possible for the incisions to be made in the interior of the nose, which leaves no visible scars. More extensive work requires very small incisions to be made on the outside of the nose, which are hidden in the natural folds of your skin.

Orange County Rhinoplasty

Recovery after Revision Rhinoplasty

The recovery after revision rhinoplasty is longer than the original recovery, but the experience is similar. Expect more extensive bandaging or splints to hold your nose in the proper shape, which are required for a longer period of time than they were for your initial rhinoplasty.

It will take a few weeks for the bruising and swelling to resolve. Once this has faded and you feel recovered, keep in mind that there will be long-term, subtle changes to the appearance of your nose as residual nasal swelling slowly fades away. These minor changes will continue as your nose settles completely, taking 1-2 years.

Most patients can return to sedentary, light work in 1-2 weeks, although recovery time varies from person to person. Wait to resume exercise for 4-6 weeks.

What complementary procedures can be done with a revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty can be combined with other facial plastic surgeries to achieve an overall facial enhancement. Other surgeries that can be combined are chin augmentation, eyelid surgery, facial liposuction or fat transfer, brow lift, and more.

Am I a candidate for revision rhinoplasty?

Men or women who are experiencing functional problems or cosmetic concerns after a rhinoplasty are likely candidates for revision rhinoplasty in Orange County. Ideal candidates meet the following requirements:

  • Are generally in good health
  • Have no major medical concerns
  • Do not smoke

Are not taking blood-thinning medication or can safely stop taking these before surgery Have realistic goals and expectations about what revision rhinoplasty can achieve

Why choose Dr. Miller?

Disappointment with an original rhinoplasty can be upsetting and stressful. Dr. Miller understands this and is a compassionate, highly-trained surgeon who helps guide his patients through this challenging time. Dr. Timothy R. Miller is a double board-certified facial and reconstructive plastic surgeon whose rigorous fellowship training and deep experience and expertise in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty. His precise, artistic eye and skillful technique achieves natural, ideal results, allowing you to finally complete your rhinoplasty journey. Call today for a consultation revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Miller at Refreshed Aesthetic Surgery & Skincare.

Revision Rhinoplasty FAQs

How long should you wait to have your revision rhinoplasty?

Patients should wait until all swelling has fully subsided after the original surgery. This may take as long as six months to one year.

Will insurance pay for a revision rhinoplasty?

Insurance may pay for a portion of the revision rhinoplasty procedure if there is a function concern.

When can I return to work after revision rhinoplasty in Orange County?

After 1-2 weeks, most patients can return to light, sedentary work.

Does revision rhinoplasty take longer to heal?

It may take somewhat longer to heal, but this should not be a particularly significant increase in the recovery period.

Is revision rhinoplasty worth it?

This is a personal choice every patient must make for themselves, but if you’re unhappy with the nose after rhinoplasty, you deserve the ideal outcome you wanted when you started your aesthetic journey.

Revision Rhinoplasty

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